Whistle Stop Romance directed by Albert Baker, featuring Elena Crociani and Justin Younts, Long Island City One-Act Festival, The Secret Theatre, Long Island City, NY. Five performances. Article by Mark Lord in The Queens Chronicle, qboro arts section. http://www.qchron.com/qboro/stories/whose-show-is-best-in-show-you-be-the-judge/article_1e0b05f4-6254-52f4-bff9-914b6a1e05b0.html
GOD IS A FORD MAN, Comedy, 10 min. 1 M directed by Anna Lloyd Bradshaw, starring A. A. Issen at Manhattan Repertory Theatre. See clip https://www.facebook.com/ActorsandPlaywrights/videos/306648493280756/ God Is A Ford Man, Directed by Clint Bramkamp, Featuring Kent Smith, Home Brew 3, The Drama Workshop,Cincinnati, OH.
An Evening of Three One-Act Plays: Whistle Stop Romance, Racquetball, and Sunny Side directed by Art Bernal, featuring Elena Crociani, Justin Younts, Chris Ostrowski, Pat Hart, Joseph Leone, and Daniel Wuedeman. American Theatre of Actors, 314 West 54th St., New York, NY. Five performances Feb. 14-18, 2018. “An evening of memorable characters, with sharp dialogue and a subtle nostalgia built into every one of these three plays. And it makes for a night of enjoyable theatre. The sets are bare, the lighting very basic, but it proves that with strong writing, fine acting, strong direction, and clever dialogue, theatre touches the heart and mind.” — Roger Gonzalez , LocalTheatreNY.com
NATURAL RARITIES UP FOR BID. Comedy/satire, 10 min. 2 M, 1 F In 2184 A.D. the ice caps have melted. Florida and New York are underwater. To feed millions of starving displaced persons, a benefit auction in Europe raises funds to develop food…from petroleum! Directed by Albert Baker, starring Chelsea Clark, Sean Stolzenthaler, and David C. Neal in Midtown International Theatre Festival, The WORKSHOP THEATRE, 312 West 36TH STREET, New York, NY.
In July Can We See Iowa From Here? Drama, 10 min. 1 M directed by Flori Doyle, starring Devin Burnam, at Manhattan Repertory Theatre, 303 W. 42nd St., New York, NY. www.manhattanrep.com
In June THE GREAT DEBATE was in New York and in LA !!! NYC: THE GREAT DEBATE. Comedy. 10 min. 2M. A political spoof. Two great Americans face off in a final presidential debate. Who will win? Directed by Andrew Rothkin, starring J. Dolan Byrnes and Bob Sinclair. June 7 & 10 LIVEART New York City, Manhattan Repertory Theatre, 303 W. 42nd St., New York, NY.
LA: THE GREAT DEBATE, The Hollywood Fringe Festival, Los Angeles, CA June 17 & 20, part of Presidential Election Shorts Produced by Hollywood Scribbler Theatre. The Lounge Theater, Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. Starring Detra Jackson and Darrell Philip. Directed by John Fingal O’Donnell and produced by Scott Sanders and John Fingal O’Donnell.
BREAKING GULF NEWS, Comedy, 10 min. 2 M, 1F (in NYC at Manhattan Rep last Nov. ) was at The Drama Workshop’s HOME BREW THEATER, Cincinnati, OH. Directed by Kat Reynolds, starring Bill Keeton, Victoria Covarrubias, and Ian Tinney. Produced by Clint Bramkamp.
April: Three new plays in the Big Apple: MAMMA’S LITTLE DARLINGS, Dark comedy, 10 min. 1 F. Starring Susan King and directed by Flori Doyle, advanced to Semifinals!! 10-minute Play Contest at Manhattan Repertory Theatre, 303 W. 42nd St., New York, NY. Tues & Thurs, April 5 & 7.
Also Two one-acts in Pressure-NOT ME! at The Producer’s Club! LOVE KNOTS (“A great show”–Outer-Stage) Dramedy, 20 min. 4M, 4 F. Directed by Laurie Rae Waugh; produced by Beth Newbery. Featuring Carly Fawcett, Jason Kirk, Joseph Calderone, Ty Gailloux, Venus Dana, Kelly Legault, Jordan Zolan, and Joanna Whiley. With WHISTLE STOP ROMANCE (“A must see”– Outer-Stage) Drama, 20 min. 1M, 1F. Directed by Beth Newbery, starring Simone Stadler and Aaron Canter at The Producer’s Club Royal Theater, 358 W. 44th St., New York, NY.

SUNNY SIDE, Comedy 10 min. 1 M, 1 F directed by Jennifer Sandella, featuring Amy Losi and Phillip Cook at Manhattan Repertory Theatre www.manhattanrep.com.
THE HOLEY SWISS DUET, Comedy 10 min. 1 m, 1 F directed by Mary McGinley, starring Stephanie Schwartz and Rob Issen at Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
BREAKING GULF NEWS, Comedy/satire, 10 min. 2 M, 1 F directed by Brock H. Hill, starring Ken Straus, Jenna DiMartini, and Liberty O’Dell at Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL, Drama, 20 min. 1 M, 1 F directed by Albert Baker, starring Tia Link and Chas McCormack at Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
THE POWDER PUFF HEIST, Comedy, 10 min. 2 F directed by Lyto Triantafyllidou and starring Janaki Gerard and Stephanie E. Curtiss at Manhattan Repertory Theatre, on 42nd St., New York, NY.
RACQUETBALL, Dramedy, 22 min. 2 M directed by Laurie Rae Waugh, starring Ken Couglin and Thamer Jenoubi produced by Beth Newbery and infusionarts at The Producers Club, on 43rd St. New York, NY.
All plays were developed through workshops and readings with the actors and directors of Actors & Playwrights Collaborative, director Phil Paradis, and with director Robert Allen of Cincinnati LAB Theatre, Carrie-Ellen Zappa at Zappa Studios, and with Bob Elkins at Bob G. Elkins Actors Studio.